Fresh homemade hummus with sautéed mushrooms

Is there anything this xx'xx can't do? Thank gd my gf does not read this site. I would deop a few levels.
There’s plenty I don’t cook. But I like to make what I do really well. This recipe had many, many years of failures until I unlocked a few secrets. Now this is a simple cook.
Is there anything this xx'xx can't do? Thank gd my gf does not read this site. I would drop a few levels.
here’s the closest recipe to mine and this one is excellent.

The citric acid is key to getting the right level of sour without adding too much lemon juice. Lemons must be fresh. The bottled one doesn’t compare.

This video makes around 3-4 2 person servings. You can freeze the chickpeas once cooked by this recipe for future actual hummus making.

I like Sadaf brand tahini. Choose whatever you like or can get locally.

Mine has fresh garlic, salt and cumin in it.

