Freezing smoked salmon?

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Rita Y

TVWBB Emerald Member
Hi Everyone!
Has anyone out there frozen smoked salmon? I have a FoodSaver and would vacuum it.

If it does freeze, how long will it keep its optimal flavor?

Using a foodsaver to freeze salmon will work great. I would expect a six month shelf life. However its important to remember the texture of the smoked fish will deteriorate no matter what. Smoked fish that has been frozen is best used in cream cheese or to add flavor.
Amen to bdcbbq's comments; I've smoked and frozen salmon (using my FoodSaver gear) and yes the flavor will still be there months later but also yes the consistency of the meat seems to become somwhat mealy as time passes. In my family of 5, most frozen meats don't last past a month or so and within that time frame my experience is that the fish is still OK! I've had better luck with sealing and freezing fresh salmon and smoking several months later.
If you would like a nice change of pace with your smoked salmon, after the fish is smoked, crumble some of it up and use it in your favorite tuna salad recipe in place of the tuna. This seems to work well even if the fish has been in the freezer a little too long. It makes a great appetizer when served with some Ritz crackers. You won't be sorry.

[This message has been edited by Don Hilliard (edited 09-25-2001).]
John -- One month is great and all I'd need for leftovers.

Don -- Oh yes, smoked salmon salad is high on our list. Hadn't thought of using the slightly over-the-hill salmon for that, but it's a great option.

Here's a canape that always disappears quickly -- hope everyone enjoys it:


8 ounces cream cheese (not lower fat type), softened
3 scallions, finely chopped (1/3 cup, 1.1 oz, 31 g)
1 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill (1 1/2 T, 4 g)
1 1/2 teaspoons fresh lime juice (9 g)
1/2 teaspoon grated lime zest (2 g)
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 1/4 teaspoons kosher salt, or to taste
Piping bag fitted with a #22 star tip.

1. ONE DAY AHEAD, MAKE CREAM CHEESE SPREAD. In a medium mixing bowl, whip the softened cream cheese until fluffy. Add the scallions, dill, lime juice and zest, and pepper. Beat until incorporated. Note - the mixture should be well-seasoned and the dill flavor will become stronger as it stands. Put mixture into a piping bag fitted with a #22 star tip and refrigerate overnight.


Thinly sliced dense pumpernickel bread
Crackers: Remner Wafers (green box), Carr's Water Crackers

2. BREAD. Trim off crusts and cut into squares, or use cutters to cut into semi-circles, rounds, or triangles.


The bread rounds
Cream cheese mixture
The smoked salmon (Bourbon & Brown Sugar Smoked Salmon)

3. UP TO ONE DAY AHEAD, ASSEMBLE CANAP?S. Pipe cream cheese mixture onto bread cutouts or crackers. Wearing gloves (or your hands will smell of smoke), remove skin from salmon and gently break salmon apart into large flakes. Pile generously on top of cream cheese. Arrange on serving platter. Cover with plastic; refrigerate.


Garnish: Black sesame seeds and chopped chives or scallion greens

4. GARNISH. Sprinkle with black sesame seeds and chives.
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