Free thermocouple PCB to a good home


Bryan Mayland

TVWBB Hall of Fame
Although the qualifier "good" home really isn't that important, as long as you're not a mean person I'll let this go home with you. It has been a long time since this happened, but I built a bum HeaterMeter 4.2.4 board. I removed the thermocouple amp and replaced it so the board is 100% working and passes all the tests, but I obviously won't sell it. If anyone is building a HeaterMeter and has their parts but needs a PCB let me know and I will mail it to you (with connector). On the other hand, if you're planning on ordering a kit I can include the TC upgrade for free.

First person who post to claim it can have it.
I'll take it. It'll come in handy since I'm catering my own wedding reception.

I'll sweeten the deal a little more. After I build it, and am done using it for the reception, I will sell it back to the forum for just the cost of the components soldered onto the board. Someone will end up with a dirt cheap, fully built unit. Stay tuned to the forum in July when I post it back up.
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Wait there is a thermocouple only board? Where do I find the details for this, that's exactly what I want to build next. Just prefer using thermocouples for everything when possible.

