Free CL find: Spirit SP310 SS

I'm assuming you wanted to add a photo of the bottom panel to your post?

Typically on grills that spend time on the ground (instead of decks or patios) the bottom panel takes a beating. If you're really ambitious, you can clean it up, paint it, and hope for the best. If you're planning on keeping this grill, and given the fact you have new burner tubes & igniter, I'd just bolt in a new one and not look back. Weber has a flat $7 shipping rate, but they adjusted their prices UP not long ago. Use these links as a pricing guide and call Weber to see where they stand. During my last refurb order (on a huge Summit) I ended up ordering from 3 different sources because of pricing.

$32.43 and a hefty lead time -

$43.30 and in stock -

$36.39 and in stock, but I have zero experience ordering from them - Sears Direct
Chad, thanks for all the input and help. I thought I had linked the photo, but obviously not. I have now added the photo.

I have already ordered the part from Sears. It was the best option, and ended up being $50 with shipping and tax. Suppose be delivered Mar 7.

It was worth it to me to order the panel and not spent a great deal of time trying to clean the existing one. I got the grill free, so I have some room to spend a few dollars :)

What's odd about the panel, as you can see in the now added photo, is the topside is really bad, but the underside of the panel barely has any rust. The only spots of rust on the underside are where there are vent holes drilled and the rust has spread from the topside of the panel through the holes and around the holes. I would have thought the entire underside would have been rusted.


