found a good polish for legs

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Ken Mc

TVWBB Super Fan
I was trying to clean the legs on one of my finds when I found Mother's Mag and Aluminum Polish.
It works great!!! very little effort. I just rubbed it on with a paper towel and wipe it off before it drys, and WOW they clean up like new!!! I had a LOT of oxidation on them and was ready to take them to work and polish them but I found this stuff.
Although I do work in a metal finishing shop, I could probably anodize them any <span class="ev_code_PURPLE">color</span> to match the grill and still keep the shine. Hmmmm
Yea, we use it at work to polish aluminum to look exactly like chrome. It's the best I know of. They carry it at airplane supply stores. You'll prob have to Google it to find a place,

If you really want to get nuts, go to Rio Grande and see if you can find something called sunshine cloths. These are almost magical rags for polishing, the supra 90/sunshine combo is unbelieveable.

We use Nevr Dul & Flitz, on aircraft leading edges to give that chrome look, you can use flour to remove the paste with out leaving streaks,or loading up rags, it works, but do not use it to make bread afterwards....
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by AJ S.:
Anyone ever try nevr dul?

I have some of this and it works pretty good.

Flitz </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

nevr dull is the bomb yo
when I was at the parts store,(with a leg from the grill) The guy tried nevrdul and it was o.k.
tried mothers mag and alum. polish and wow..huge difference. JMO. The leg was really oxidized too.
very little effort with it. I bought Mother's Billet polish today, it was o.k. (very spendy) I like the other better, for 10 bucks for 10 oz. of Mag/Alum, compared to 16 bucks for 4 oz. of Billet.
Ken, use the billet last thing, it isn't a one stop polish. Use all your other stuff and use billet last. It gets the finest scratches out. Heres what I did in ten minutes with supra 90 and a sunshine rag.

The legs before


By zavod44 at 2011-10-20

The legs after


By zavod44 at 2011-10-20

These were legs off of an old mid 60's thumbscrew BAR-B-Q-KETTLE. Lots of oxidization. I did use some steel wool first with goo gone, to get the crud off. The supra with the sunshine rag. No joke 10 min, tops.

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