Forgot the Fun of the Stoker/Stokerlog


James Harvey

Haven't cooked much this summer. No real reason. Finally called Rock's and worked with Kevin to upgrade my software yesterday. Just set up my pit and waiting for it to come to temp. Stoker is enabled and I downloaded Stokerlog 7.0 (is it still beta?). Said it before but what great tools. I'm currently sitting on my couch, typing this post, and watching my fire come up to 260F (I'm doing this butt a little higher because it's big and I want to eat tonight). Hats off to the guys at Rock's and Amir for the fun.

Don't get me wrong. I've spent a fair amount of time working with manual temp control, cheapie therms and sketchy fuel and had a great time. It's just nice to sit back and actually watch my cook unfold from my porch, couch, office or backyard.

Good Saturday to you all!

