For those struggling over "cold-smoking" on the Weber...


Joel Gilchrist

New member
This is an easy way to "cold-smoke" with the Weber Smoky Mountain... for those with the luxury of having two. In seeing the diagram, place your coals and wood in the small smoker, run the dryer-hose to the big smoker, and place your cheese, nuts, etc. (whatever you're cold-smoking), in the large smoker. Viola'. (Do this at night, so the internal temp of the large smoker is near-zero.
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Works like a charm!
Interesting setup! What have you tried smoking?

I've been doing a bit of cold smoking in a GA.

Since then I've been experimenting with a proq cold smoke generator in my OTG and I really like it - It's simple cheap, effective and mine burns for over 11 hours on a load. I find that the results are better with a little smoke over a long period compared with the more intense smoke over a shorter period which I was getting with my GA.


I'm smoked several different types of cheeses (with AWESOME results), and some pork-belly that was cured, for bacon, also with good results (if not a bit too salty). Overall, I think this way is pretty easy, convenient, and effective, if you have two Smoky Mountains.

