For Joan: Brined and Roasted Chicken with Oregano and Tarragon


J Grotz

TVWBB Wizard
Joan has been dropping not so subtle hints that I should post a recipe. I mostly grill from Jamie Purviance’s Weber books. I don’t want to infringe on any copyrights, but I think posting a single recipe with attribution would be considered fair use. So here goes.
This was only sold in Europe. Most of the measurements are metric. DW surprised me with a copy a few years ago. I don’t know where she snagged it from.
So that’s the recipe and what it’s supposed to look like. Let’s see how I did...
If you love tarragon, you’ll love this recipe! It was fabulous. Tender, juicy and with that nice distinctive flavor of tarragon. It went well with the grilled peppers and fresh salad.
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Dear J., THANK YOU!!!!!! Hope that didn't hurt you to much. lol Just what is Doggies name?
Oh, give Lola a big hug and a kiss for me. Our neighbor across the street had a dog named Lola that I became very fond of, and very saddened when she passed away. It's nice to have Lola "back".

