Foodsaver Resource

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Bruce Cook

If anyone is interested there is a foodsaver group on Yahoo for those with the Tilia. Its a pretty large and active group. I've been there a few days and think its well worth lurking on for a while. Go to Yahoo Groups and do a search for Foodsaver.
Hi, I am getting a FoodSaver model 350 for my birthday in about a week. My mom bought it at Wal-Mart for about $100. Is this model ok? I keep seeing posts from people on different forums and newsgroups about the models that cost about $350. I just hope the one I get is going to perform well. I don't really care about having all the bells and whistles of the deluxe models, but I do want one that is going to make a good seal on the packages of food.


[This message has been edited by Rocky (edited 09-25-2001).]
'Afternoon Rocky:
Back in October my wife relented and allowed me to purchase a FoodSaver Deluxe! I do not remember the exact price but as I recall this was the model Chris uses and recommended (or maybe mine is one step removed). Anyway, the features, size, etc. were and have been well worth the money I paid. we've always found that you generally get what you pay for and a little more cash now usually 'buys away' regrets later! They truly are a must if you smoke foods on a regular basis so go for it even if you settle on the less expensive model.
Thanks John,
My mother has already bought my model 350 FoodSaver. I am just wondering if that model will work ok. Anybody ever used this model?
All Tilia Foodsavers pull the same amount of vacuum.
The only difference is features.
Yours is a step below the old Compact II, or the new 550.
It works well.
The only difference is your's will not be able to do jars, cans, cannisters, or anything like that, that uses the hose.
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