Food TV @ 10pm est

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It's on a 10 here, preceded by A Cook's Tour!!! Love Tony, and his books are great. Definitely from the school of hard cooks.
He's using a WSM!!!

but he didnt let the rub sit long,he is mopping right away and every 30 mins after, and he placed the water pan in wrong and the brisket was FAT side down??????

Is he really a cook?

Im ashamed... our core values have just been exploited by food Tv!!!

That's just pitiful. If that's a 5-hour brisket, what'd he do - run the WSM up to about 600 for the whole time? SHE oughta know better than that...


Keri C
i actually like her on Law and Order./.... that's right she is the D.A. on Law and Order

They make BBQ look sloppy and easy..
She's going to be on Law and Order for the first couple of episodes next season, but she's leaving after that. Bobby's doign a lot better than the g'friend he was dating before. She was a stick in the mud. Now back to reality. How does he do a brisket in 5 hours?
You'd think she could be doin' better than Bobby Flay. He's on the Food Network for Pete's sake!

Well I guess there's no tellin' for bad taste.

Looked like he used lump charcoal. I know it burns hotter, but come on. I have not done a brisket on the WSM, but everything I read on this site at least says 10-20 hours depending on size.

I did like that pickling recipe though. I might try that.

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