Folding Side Shelves

I know some of the newer Spirit grills do. I am not real sure about the newer Genesis lineup but I think they do as well.
I always thought those spirits with the folding side tables were brilliant in theory. Haven’t seen them enough in person to fully make up my mind. But being able to drop the sides creates a lot of versatility
As someone with a non-folding type, yes they would be nice. Earlier ones were expressly written as not foldable. Retrofitting was said to be not compatible. Hmm. If I wasn't so procrastinating...
I will be making some tables for a friend. Undecided on size ir purpose yet. But to make things easier. Maybe hold a couple kettles, and the smokers. Sink. Roof. Warmers. Mosquito anti... ice box
I always thought those spirits with the folding side tables were brilliant in theory. Haven’t seen them enough in person to fully make up my mind. But being able to drop the sides creates a lot of versatility
Yeah --- if you are strapped for space, they really are great! It also makes it a breeze to put the cover on - but you lose your hanging tool racks, so you have to find somewhere else to stow them. Back in the early years with my Spirit I would fold the tables down and cover it after every use..... that didn't last long. Then I got a Silver B that sits right next to it and now the tables rarely get folded.

The frame right adjacent to the tables seems to be highly prone to rusting too if not cleaned regularly from what I've seen - there are some ledges in between that tend to hold crap and dampness.

