Foiled again!

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Chuck Freeman

New member
Hey gang, it's been a few weeks since my last post, hope everyone is doing OK.

I've had my Weber now for several weeks, and ordered a BUNCH of wood from eBay which I got Friday. Now I'm ready to roll.

I was checking out some of the cooking tips here and noticed that foil was used to cover the water pan. Just curious what the reason is for that? Thanks!
Thanks guys, but I'm still a little unclear about why one would foil the water pan. Is there so much grease that not using foil would cause a ton more work?

Confused in California.
On a long cook you get a big crust ring where the water line is. If you foil the inside of the pan you don't have to scrub the ring of crust off. I do not foil the water pan. After a long cook i just have to let the pan soak for awhile. Bryan

There are a bunch of ways to do this.
1. Line the bowl with foil and fill with water. Cleanup is easier.

2. No foil and fill with water. Clean it up or don't. Your temperament and tolerance will be your guide.

3. Fill with sand and cover with foil. Easy cleanup, no water fill maintenance. Downside, if it overheats it's tougher to cool back down to target temps.

4. Aluminum foil only. Used for higher temperatures such as when doing chicken.

This last one assumes you have spent some money to "cheat" and use a temperature control thing that costs more than the original WSM. I have one, but I have more dollars than sense.

5. Layers of aluminum foil crinkled to provide insulative layers of air when using a bbqGuru gadget.

Did I miss any?
Thanks guys, my Weber and I plan to do battle with a couple of chickens in a few days. Yeah, I'll line my water pan with aluminum since I hate to clean. When the smoke clears I'll take a few pics and let you guys see ah...foils of war.
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