Flip-Up Table Support Arm Mod.



New member
Maybe it's just my grill, but I couldn't find anywhere to put the flip-up table support arm when the table was in the down position. Besides resting it on the bottom shelf cross bar. I could've just drilled a hole in the back leg. But that seemed too easy and just another spot for rust to start. So I made this lil beauty 😁

Very nice mod, but there should have been a stainless steel clip with a hole in it that attaches to the back leg that holds the rod in the down position.
Very nice!

Very nice mod, but there should have been a stainless steel clip with a hole in it that attaches to the back leg that holds the rod in the down position.

For historical reasons only, here is a link to the OEM part that Bruce references (no longer available, of course). Your design is better, I think! But your table prop rod has an extra couple of bends in it, so I think if the back leg doesn't have a hole maybe it was meant to "hook" onto the back table leg for storage. One of my grills has that clip, and I think a hole punched in the back leg serves to locate the clip. I would go look but I don't think it's important.

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I have seen pictures of the clip that Bruce described, but on our old grills the end of the support just wrapped around the rear leg then the table was down. Easy peasy. Perhaps we lost that clip early on, but I don't remember our grills ever having that clip.
But your table prop rod has an extra couple of bends in it, so I think if the back leg doesn't have a hole maybe it was meant to "hook" onto the back table leg for storage
I had thought that too, but it's not very secure and falls as soon as you try to move the grill. But thanks for the link and complement
I think you nailed it! At least you don't have to get down on your hands and knees and try to "thread the needle" to get it into that hole.
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Here's a pic of the clip. It's from a grill of about '88 - '89 vintage, and there are holes punched in the front and back legs...the tang in the clip fits into the hole in the back leg and the prop rod with a short 90deg. bend is supposed to fit into the hole in the front leg. If you don't have holes punched in either of your legs maybe the bends in your prop rod are intended to wrap around the legs???


