Flat vs. Point

Hello everyone. I'm trying my first high heat brisket this weekend. I picked up a small 5.5 lb grass fed brisket and I'm having some trouble determining the flat from the point. I've looked at a few brisket threads on this site and I still have questions. Would someone mind if I email them some photos of the brisket and you could outline where it separates for me. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks and happy grillin!
The point is just that THE POINTED END!! The flat is the flatter end!! There will be a diagonal line of fat separating the two. All the info is on this site my friend!! You have to also make sure you have the WHOLE brisket and not just a flat!! Go to cooking topics on this site, then down to beef brisket preparation.. It has pics and info!!
Most likely you've got a flat. If it's evenly thick, it's probably center cut. Just follow the HH directions well documented on this site and you'll be golden.
I'm also trying my first HH brisket today. Mine is an 11 1/2 pound packer.

Good luck to both of us!


