Flank Steak


Billy S

TVWBB Member
I have 1.5 lb flank steak marinating for tonight. My question is this: Should I sear both sides then cook indirect, or should it all be direct heat? I'm over charcoal and might throw a few hickory chips on the fire as well.

Any thoughts or advice?

Pretty new to charcoal cooking btw.

Flank steaks do not need a lot of time cooking AT ALL. In fact if you over cook it, it will be like shoe leather. I would cook over direct high heat for 3 minutes per side or so lid on. That will get you a pretty good medium rare..make sure to cut across the grain! Hope this helps!
thanks Tom! That concurs with some research I've done--sear 2-3 minutes per side then cut across grain.

No problem! And let it rest of course!
High heat, is the way to go, for flank steak. It's a Fantastic tasty cut of meat. Slice it against the grain. Good stuff!
seems like when cooking for such a short time, i find its not worth the extra hassle to do the charcoal thing. I just use my gasser for quick cooks like this one. i know a little off subject.
I would like to respectfully disagree with you here. I just did four hamburgers on the grill (Weber 22.5" Gold) with charcoal. Believe you me, it WAS worth it!

On the other hand, "whatever spins your propeller" should be my byline.

Ever since the invention of the chimney fire starter (and particularly, Weber's) I have not found it bothersome to light the charcoal.

In the "old days" using chemical fire starters or electric starters just took too long and detracted from the appeal. These days, I just factor in the time and go because the chimney makes it so easy.

Directly over a very hot charcoal or wood fire, flip when you get the amount of char you want, pull when the other side looks the same, wrap in foil to rest for 10-20 minutes.

Slice thin (thin is important because flank can be chewy sometimes) on the bias and across the grain.

Yum-O-Licious ...


