flank steak?


Corey Elks

TVWBB All-Star
gonna cook one up tomorrow. What should i do with it? marinate in what? or just a spice rub? what kind of spices if a rub? thanks
What are you going to do with it? Here's a link to a decent marinade that I've used a couple times. Nothing fancy, but it turns out pretty good. Marinade starting first thing in the morning, or tonight.

Flank Steak a la Willyboy
Just made a few of these over the last month. My favorites was a red wine base marinade, I just made one up, you can find them readily. I added a saute of mushroom upon serving.

The other one is Stubbs Beef Marinade. I typically don't use off the shelf, but for beef this one is becoming a favorite. Thanks to recommendations from folks here I gave it a try. I do tend to dress things up a bit though. I chopped in some garlic, shallot, some woosty.

This cut also behaves well with a basic dry salt brine treatment (20 minutes). Then dress with you favorite simple rub, etc.

Definitely wants rare, medium rare and make sure to cut across the grain. About 4 minutes a side direct is about all it needs.

It does take marinades well IMHO.

Good cut for fajitas - simple Italian style marinade should work well for that.
Posted this recipe in a previous thread, I really enjoy it (and it's great for dipping bread/chips/etc as well)

3/4 cup finely chopped fresh italian/flat leaf parsley
2-3 cloves minced garlic
5 tbsp olive oil
2 1/2 tbsp red wine vinegar
1/2 lemon
salt/pepper/crushed red pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients (except the lemon, just squeeze the juice directly into the blender) in a mortar and pestle (or blender) and combine. put some on the steak to marinate, some on while it's cooking, and reserve some for dipping afterwards.
Depends on what you are cooking it for.

For direct steak eating, I would go with a Montreal Steak seasoning.

For fajita eating, I would marinate with a little EVOO and some Old El Paso taco seasoning mix. Marinate for a few hours.

Either way, setup for direct high heat and depending on thickness, just a few minutes a side and slice across grain. Thicker slices for steak eating and thinner slices for fajita eating.
For any southwestern application (like fajitas), this stuff is pretty darn good with almost any protein:

A good marinade to use also is the A1 New York steakhouse. But for a fajitas the Goya that Dave S has posted, I agree is outstanding...
Here's a marinade I've used many times with Flank on the kettle. As noted above, definitely slice against the grain...

1 Tbsp sesame oil
1 Tbsp sesame seed
2 Tsp minced garlic
1/3 cup soy sauce
1/3 cup turbinado
1-2 Tsp fresh gingerroot grated
1/2 Tsp chili pepper flakes
Ditto to Dave S. That's another one I keep in stock. I'll dumb other stuff in along with it. I use it often as a base.
A simple one. Put it in a pan, pour a beer in and put it in the firgde for a few hours. Add salt and pepper when you're ready to cook.
The sad thing around here is that flank steak usually runs $5.99 - the same as ribeyes and possibley Tbones when they're on sale - that it's not worth buying unless you have a recipe that specifically calls for flank steak.
Too late for this cook, but next time, marinate overnight in Lawry's Garlic and Pepper marinade. Have some of your favorite salsa ready. About 6 minutes before the flank is ready, put it in some foil, cover the top of the steak with salsa, close the foil over the top of the steak and finish grilling. Give it a try.

