Fit of cooking chamber on bowl

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Does anyone have any problems with the cooking chamber fitting sloppy in the charcoal bowl? I have a WSM that is about 10 years old and I have to put a stick in the leg in order to get it apart. My new WSM the cooking chamber fits real sloppy in the bowl.I measured it and it is smaller than the old one by almost 3/16". I called Weber and they sent me a new cooking chamber but i still have the problem with it fitting sloppy. The charcoal bowls are the same size.

Yes, mine is 3 - 4 years old and the middle section fits somewhat sloppily on the bottom bowl. You can actually rock it back and forth on the charcoal bowl. Personally I think it contributes to my unit running a little hot (along with one of the bottom vents that is very loose).

But I agree with Jim, shouldn't be a problem unless you want to run the cooker at 225 or less and you fill the charcoal chamber to the top.

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