Fist BBQ for the family...

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Andy Rine

TVWBB Member
Next Sunday is my grandmother's birthday, and I'll be firing up the smoker for her 8 kids and 20 or so grandkids. The plan right now is 2 medium sized butts on top, and a brisket flat on the bottom. I had a couple of questions:

1) I have a great brisket flat in the freezer, how should I defrost?
2) What types of butts should I buy? I've done 4 or 5 butts, but it's always been for just me, so I didn't worry about it. What is the best cut to get (bone in or out?, nice size, etc...)
3) Any side dishes I should try? My old standby is cucumber salad, but that's more of a summer dish.
4) Has anyone noticed that when cooking on to pand bottom grates, the food on the bottom grate doesn't get as much smoke flavor? It may just be me. Is there any way to get around this?

Thanks, and wish me luck.
Also, will this be enough meat? If not, I can fire up the kettle and do some sausage.

The flat should be about 5 pounds of pure meat and the butts can be just about any size that will fit on the top grate.

1. Defrost the brisket in the fridge a couple days prior to cooking. .
2. I normally buy bone in butts or picnics, but I am doing two bonelss butts for the first time right now. I will let you know how they turn out.
3. I don't really do any catering, but I think the rule of thumb is 1/2lb of meat per person after it is cooked. You are going to lose about 1/3 of the raw weight during cooking.
4. Check here for side dishes, there are plenty to choose from.
5. I haven't noticed a difference in flavor from top to bottom. But you could rotate the meats half way through the cook. I wouldn't do it w/the brisket and butt cook though. You want the butts on top to baste the brisket.

Welcome aboard and good luck!
Since you've got one flat why not get another? Put the flats on top and the butts on the bottom. I like 7.5-8 lb bone-in butts. You said "kids"--little ones? Personally, I'd do the sausage anyway--I love sausage--and you'd have a mixed-grill kind of thing happening. You could grill mushrooms and/or onions on the kettle. Cuke salad, maybe garlic rice or herb-roasted potatoes, biscuits--I'm starving now.
I would differ from Kev in the fact that, if you do brisket and butts, the butts should be on top. This way the butts drip on to the flats and keep them nice and moist!!

Stogies bakes beans are always a hit for sides and I second the sausage. Cucumber salad is ok anytime of the year...afterall, it is bbq ya makin'!!
You cooking anything today? BTW, thanks for not rubbing it in when the Brown beat the Skins!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Greg Rempe:
I would differ from Kev in the fact that, if you do brisket and butts, the butts should be on top. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Since the brisket is done sooner I put it on top so I can foil it at 160 and pull at 190 without messing with the butts. Since I recommended getting another brisket flat to Andy, I suggested the top because it's a bit roomier.
I've got a HUGE choice brisket flat. It's about 8 pounds and I have to cut it in half to fit on the grate (I got it from a new butcher, I need to ask him about why it's so different). It's awesome though.

I'm thinking about doing a whole turkey on Saturday morning to knock the dust off of the WSM, and then doing these to be ready for lunch on Sunday. I probably will fire up the kettle with sausage.
I like the bone in butts, shoulders are great too. I am not sure if an 8 lb of brisket will do though. I would think about doing 2. Leftovers are wonderful for the guests to take home anyway. They will love you for it.
Greg is right. I've fit 12 lb ers on the grill also. I've also got an 18.75 lb. chuck roll on without cutting. Squeeze and will fit!

I've done 17 lb brisket and twenty something pound chuck rolls, too. This brisket is HUGE I tell you. There is no way to fit it. I bought them at the butcher and they were already cut in half. They are kryovac'd with the meat double over, and they're still bigger than any whole flat that I've gotten at sams. I'll post a pic, because I'd like to know what the deal is with it.
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