First WSM Experience a Happy One

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Dwain Gleason

I am replacing an old (very annoying) El Cheapo Brinkman with a new WSM that was found at a local Westlake for almost 40% off. What a fantastic cooker! I have a New Braunfels Black Diamond, a NB Bandera, the previously mentioned Brinkman smoker-come-planter, and a couple of Weber kettles. I'm not an expert, but I've got a few competitions and about 10 years of home smoking under my belt. Enthusiastic Novice is what I'd term myself. :)

Anyway, I did a boston butt, slightly over 4 pounds. I'm not a temperature watcher - I prefer to let the meat tell me how it's doing by feel, appearance, smell, etc. I was VERY happy with the thermal efficiency of the WSM - it seemed to provide a very consistent level of heat and smoke for about 6 hours, which was perfect. The butt had been brined in a salt/honey/peppercorn/clove/garlic/ginger/allspice brine overnight, and then rubbed with Willinghams in the morning prior to WSM insertion. The result was an EXTREMELY tasty butt that easily pulled apart in my hands, but was also very nicely sliceable. Not falling apart - just how I like it, ALMOST overdone...

The new WSM is already going to be a very valuable member of the team! It's replacing an old Brinkman Cajun Cooker that was retired from our team this year, and will get its first run this weekend at the Blue Springs BBQ Blaze-Off for our pork entry. If it can replicate the performance of yesterday's smoke, I'm smelling 9's!! :)

Thanks for a great board and web site filled with such great information - it sold me on the WSM before I even found the great deal!!

Dwain Gleason
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