First Webber fire up.

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I have been dying to get a good smoker for a while now. So far I've cooked some long roasts and pulled pork on my traditional Weber kettle. I've been looking around all over the net for a good cooker. Soon I'll buy a big boy, but, while waiting on that, I have purchased the WSM after reading this forum for a while.

Today I've fired it up for the first time.

I live in Minnesota. It's 19 degrees in the sun. It's about 13 where the Weber is. Not the easiest way to start as all the recipes are tooled for nice weather /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif .

Anyway, taking some tips from the Minion Method, I've just started up the BRITU recipe. Put the meat on at 2:15. Lid temp was 238. At 245 it dropped to 220 so I opened the bottom vents a smidge.

I used hot tap water instead of cool. I used two chimney's to start and a load of coal on top. I hope it comes out well. Thanks for all the messages here that led me to buy the Weber. We'll see how she does.
Welcome to the forum. It sound like you have it under control. Let us know how it comes out.

Welcome to the Forum Art. You are in for some of the most fun and best people you have ever met. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Good luck and tell us how your ribs turn out!!!!!
Glad to be here guys. I've done a little of the cooking differently, but the ribs look good. I decided to throw some beans in so not sure how that will impact the cooking time or temperature. My hope is they'll be done by around 7 /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif . Dare to dream. Temperature is chugging along though. Very surprised in this temp how well it's doing.

I'll let you know after they are done /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif .
Well, all done. First cook went well. It was cold and I think I overcompensated for that by putting too much charcoal in. I lit two chimney starters full and then filled the brim up with unlit coals. I was worried about the temp, but, it was purring along. I opened the vents to 100 as the original BRITU recipe suggests and I hit 285 so I had to come back down to 50 full and I was able to maintain solid temp even with the beans in.

The taste is JUST what I was looking for. My father in law was upset though because he cooks ribs on his gas grill and thinks he has the perfect ribs. He tasted these and couldn't believe it. It's a whole different level /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif .
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