First time smoking a butt


Rob Waxman

New member
Hey guys,

This is my first time that Im gonna try smoking a butt. I got a bone-in butt around 7 lbs. Any guidelines of how long to smoke it? Do I need to foil it? Think its enough for 4 people?

Thanks for you suggestions..


I've cooked 3 times on my WSM. Twice I've done pork. I've followed the following recipes:
Mr.Brown and then Chris Lilly I followed the recipes for the most part, but substituted here and there a little on the rub. For smoke times, read through the recipes for some ideas on how long to smoke for. If you have an insta-read thermometer, use that to give you an idea of when it is done.

My last one was a little over 7.5 lbs and took just about 14 hours, and fed 5 for brunch with other dishes, with a lot of the pork tossed into the beans before hand. We had plenty of left overs. We did sandwiches. Hope this helps.
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Time depends on what temperature you plan to cook it at. If going 225-250 plan on 11/2- 2hrs/pound. No need to foil. Yes it's enough for 4 people.
Mr. Brown is a good recipe to start with; a little spicy and you can cut back to taste.

I never foil unless I'm storing in a cooler for a couple of hours prior to guest arrival.

Timing should be 8-10 hours I would think(?).........I normally smoke bigger ones that take 10-12+ hours. Remember to smoke til it's done not to a particular temp. timing is based on a lid temp of about 250 in a WSM22.
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Any guidelines of how long to smoke it? Do I need to foil it? Think its enough for 4 people?


Smoke it until it's done. I'd guess 10+ hours depending on how high your heat is. Remember that BB's are very forgiving -- it's hard to overcook them, but you definitely want to give it time to cook thoroughly. I pulled one after 9 hours thinking it was done and it was not the best ever. Cook until the bone cleanly pulls out, and be sure to 2x foil wrap it and put it in a cooler on towels for 2+ hours before pulling it. It will easily hold temps in the cooler for 5 hours so 2 hours is a good time to shoot for.

I would not foil during cooking. Not really necessary.

Plenty of food for 4.

Post pics when you are done! :cool:

