First Time Pizza on the Grill


Bill - Bigbill

I neglected to take step by step photos, as I was unsure of final result.
Grilled zucchini and tomato slices ahead of time.
Grilled crust rubbed in EVO by itself first.
Added veggies, fresh mozz, and shredded mozz with fresh oregano and thyme and indirect grilled with 4 burners and sear station on high (S-670) at around 650 degrees.

End result might not be the prettiest, but was delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That looks great. I will have to try zucchini on one. Did you use a stone or was this right on the grates?
I was also a first time pizza on the grill this weekend. Did it two ways:

On a stone and in a 12" cast iron griddle (double the dough i used on the stone (deep dish style)). Very happy with both results, though i have to say i favored the thin crispy crust from the stone while the kids liked the deep dish.
Curt - That was directly on the grates. Cooked the first side fully, flipped and cooked side 2.
Then took inside, topped, and finished off indirect with other burners and sear station on high.

