first time grilling burgers



TVWBB All-Star
it's hard to believe that i've been grilling for 7 years, and have NEVER made burgers on the grill.

I've made hot dogs and brats, but never burgers. I guess I just always considered it too cliche and lame.

But I've been craving a kickass burger, so i made some and grilled them.

I used half ground chuck and half ground sirloin. I splashed in some worsercherchesterstershiresher.. and some garlic powder. I made the patties about 1/2 pound (yeah) and sprinkled on a nice layer of stubbs burger rub.

the grill was around 700 degrees when i put them on, i got it extra hot because it's 20 degrees outside. the burgers came out with some badass grill marks, and they tasted absolutely amazing.
i topped them off with a slice of vidalia onion, roma tomato, provolone cheese, and a squirt of my homemade shiner bock bbq sauce.

absolutely the best burger i've ever had... and i've had a LOT of burgers (trust me on this one)

i didn't take pics, because 1)i was starving. 2)i was freezing (grilled in shorts and t-shirt) and 3)i'm mega depressed and feel like quitting my job and shooting myself in the face

to my family's dismay, i spent the rest of the evening in the garage working on the baby blue kettle restoration.

i know pics are required, so i hereby vow to do these again and take pics.
As Homer would say - "Hmmm ... burgers."

My eldest daughter loves my burgers, even more than my BBQ, and I'll cook her one, no matter what else I have going.
Sounds like some fantastic burgers Troy!
Mine are usually just so-so.

I've had bouts of mild depression, and it's no fun.
I highly recommend that you talk to your doctor if yours persists.
Sounds like the best ones you've ever made too!

Burgers can be tough cause u set the size and shape of the patty. Most meats that's not the case. What shape did u go with?

I've found that I like mine a little smaller so I can eat more or even stack em.

Atleast u have a job, there's loads of unemployeed people that would bend over for your job. And heck man its friday!

If I had that baby blue kettle I'd be up on cloud nine. Just looking at the pics and hearing your CL score put a big ol grin on my face. Makes me feel better knowing that there's still those gems out there to be had!

Have u been looking for a new job yet?

Maybe time for some chicken wings to cheer u up buddy! That's my therapy.
Burger sound great! It's 9:00 in the morning but I'll take one now!

I hope that #3 wasn't to be taken too seriously. Many in my family have delt with depression and I can tell you that it always gets better. Heck, you just made the best burger you've ever had and you have a great family, that's something to be thankful for! I agree with Bob, if the funk continues, talk with your doctor as he/she can certainly help. My prayers are with you.
Troy, I agree with the others here. If you have a job in today's economy, and have a family who cares about you, then you have more than a lot of people. Sometimes when we are at our lowest, it is hard to find things to be thankful for. Sounds like you have a few and some awesome burgers to boot! Good luck to you and your family.
thanks for the kind words guys.

feels nice to be part of a welcoming community

i'm not serious about shooting myself in the face, but my job and some family situations (not issues) are really bringing me down.

I'm hoping to make the burgers again this weekend, hopefully for some friends and family this time.

What's a good mix of meat to use? I will definitely take pics and document my heat zone technique for this one.
The more fat content the better. The fat bastes the meat from the inside while it cooks. Some people even put butter inside the patty to up the fat.
I think it's a matter of mixing some good meats:

For example, the "Triple-Prime" burgers at Ruby Tuesday's Restraunt are, in my opionion, Really Freakin' Good! (I think they mix Sirloin, Tenderloin, and Rob-Eye or similar.)

As for the "bummers" - I know that dealing with that stuff SOUNDS a whole lot easier than it actually is. Plus, with the Holidays and Winter Doldrums coming, things can get worse. Been there - My advice, for what it's worth:
-Up your intake of Vitamin C
-Get into the sunshine when you can
-Try to look at "the glass as half-full" when you can
-If you have the time, Volunteer somewhere
(lots of places need you, and it feels good!)
-Enjoy the simple pleasures
-Force yourself to keep on a schedule / routine
-If none of the above helps - get some help!
Ron,I seem to have missed my invite to the burgers,could you let me know when the next batch is ready?
Sounds like a truly great burger!
With burgers,fat equals flavor and moisture,so the leaner the meat,the drier it will be. HTH

PS-if all else fails,talk to the guy upstairs. He's always got the perfect answer!
Troy,for this next batch that you make, try grinding a really nice ribeye into a burger. One of my favorites. At first it sounds crazy grinding a nice steak into a burger, until you try it.
Sounds good - I like that chuck/sirloin mix idea. I've been using sirloin with a butter patty, but it's just not as good IMO as good ol' all natural rendered animal fat. Next time I do burgers I'm going half/half.

About that depression, one of the best things I ever did was take a round of Lexapro that my doctor gave me. Sometimes, you just can't shake it and there's nothing wrong with asking for help. Faith and meditation are nice and can help, but in some cases your brain just needs a chemical nudge in the right direction. Try and take a walk every day and make a point do a couple of things for YOU everyday, like grilling or working on a hobby, like kettle restoration (something to look forward to) and see if that doesn't help.

