First time doing a 14lb turkey On a 22.5 OTG


Patrick Emerson

New member
What's a good temp to do a 14lb turkey on a OTG and how long should the turkey go for?? I have the weber baskets I'm doing indirect heat on both sides and how much charcol should I start with in the baskets?? And I have pecon chips is that good smoke flavor for the turkey and how much should I use I don't want to over smoke it. Any suggestion would be much appreciated.
I've done a turkey on my performer before and its a great way of doing it. Here's how i did it.
I cooked it at around 325° till the breast was at 160°. Pecan for smoke is an excellent choice in my book. It's my favorite wood to use. If your using chips probably about 2 cups worth should do it. Oh and inject it with butter! The breast meat is awesome that way. Good luck with the cook!

