First Time Baby Back Ribs..on WSM


Rene Roy

First time doing babybacks on the wsm..can I use the mustard on the ribs before the rub like when I do picnics.? How else does the rub stay on?..a little confused? any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can if you wish--no problem.

I don't use mustard on anything. I make all my rubs without salt, salt the meat first, allow it become moist (the salt helps this) then apply the rub over the salt (since there is no salt in the rub I can apply as much or as little as I want).

Even if you use a rub with salt already in it the same applies. The rub will moisten as the salt interacts with the meat's surface helping the rub adhere. It can be then left as is or more can be applied over it if you wish.
My rubs usually contain some salt. However, I usually sprinkle some rub on the meat and rub it in. What stays on during this rub stays. What falls off goes.

Some people just sprinkle their rub on wet meat and hope it flavors the meat. Some lump it on, play patty cake with it and pack down the rub so you have a layer of rub. I find most of the rub falls off, or melts off during cooking.

I've used mustard to hold some rubs on. I've got a bottle of chipotle mustard sitting on the shelf. I'm thinking of trying that one of these days.
I am into my second hour of smoking...I did exactly as told per instruction under the cooking heading..and having problems..after the initial hour I added the ribs...the temp started to drop..went down to 165...couldn't get it to move...after an hour I stirred the coals and got it to 185, it's like they were going red glow..I added a half of chimney of hot coals and have all vents open and the temp is 222... ..what am I doing wrong?
Not necessarily anything at all.

The problem you're having is why many of us use the MM for start-up for low/slows regardless of what we're cooking.

All your vents are open and you added lit, right? Temps now?
Damp charcoal maybe Rene? Do you have another bag to open and try? I would think after an hour, even if not using the MM, the temps should not drop that low.
I will definately stay with the MM from now on..I had never done these and thought that I would follow the instruction here on the site...the temp did rise and they came out great...

