First Smoke. Time to 225?


Keith House

New member
Hello! New WSM user here! Starting my first smoke as I type this.

I have been charged with feeding 30 guests with some hickory smoked ribs, so what a great opportunity to break in my WSM 22.5?

I have 17 racks stuffed in this baby. Weber rib rack on bottom and Charmaster rib rack on the top. I also have 4 rolled racks with them.

I started the smoker about 35 minutes ago with the minion method (ring is 3/4 full with Kingsford cCompetion) and about 25 briquettes to start. I have been staying at right around 175 now for about 10 minutes. It looks like the needle is climbing at times (minutely), then it seems to back down.

Is it possible I over stuffed the smoker preventing good airflow? Right now all vents are open and was going to tune it down at around 215, but I am nowhere near there.

If I am being impatient, how long do you think I need to wait? Should I put some more charcoal in?

Thanks everyone! And I love reading the discussions so far.
Hi Keith and welcome,
Since we have the same last name, I shall attempt to shed some light on your question.

Most likely, there is so much meat in the smoker that it's gonna take some time for it all to heat up. That's gonna keep your temps down.

Possible solutions:
Remove water pan, refill with boiling water, reinsert. <I advise EXTREME caution when doing this, risk of severe burns>
Drain water pan of all but an inch or two of water. This should remove the "water buffer" effect and allow your temps to climb. Add hot water as necessary when temp begins to approach target.
Open the access door to allow more air in. [More Airflow = Hotter]

35 mins to 175 is not abnormal, it may just take some more time. I wouldn't add more charcoal just yet.

Good luck, stay in touch.
I would do as Charles said and crack your access door to allow more air in. Best way to do this is to invert the door and then take something that is long enought to hold the door open an inch or two without it falling down. By inverting the door, the smoke still goes up to the food (doesn't escape through the open door) and you still allow air to get in to get the coals hotter.

Good luck,
Well, as someone who is fairly new to the WSM here (less than 30 cooks) I applaud you for getting that many racks in. I have an 18" and have never done more than 6 full sides.

Agree that the meat is probably acting as a heat sink. Don't know if you're using water in the pan but if you're still chasing the smoke range you may need to CAREFULLY add more fuel. For future, 3/4 ring for that much meat is nowhere near enough. Fill it to busting with another chimney ready just in case.

Hopefully you've hit the 200+ range by now. If not, I'm more a fan of adding hot fuel than messing with the access door. Safety first but I take off the body and toss the hot coal right on top.

I probably haven't helped but best of luck.

Thanks for all the advice gents. I ended up getting another 1/4 can of briquettes going and added them (carefully, mind you) and the heat gradually made its way to a steady 218 per the thermometer.

I was stressing a bit, but kept them on for a good 4.5 hours and they turned out great! I had send little aluminum packages home with everyone.

One departing question: it was really humid here and no wind blowing when I was trying to cook. Possible the humidity has an effect on the heat?

Thanks again all!
if you do a big cook like that again, I'd start with maybe 1/2 to 2/3 of a chimney to start. Then wait for the temp to hit at least 200 before loading to meat...

Just a thought...

