First Smoke on WSM, Need Advice


Kenny S

I have been smoking on my kettle and decided to upgrade to the WSM 18.5". I plan on smoking an 8 lb butt and two racks of ribs this weekend. On the kettle I typically bank the charcoals and add 12 lit on on side. I assume the same minion concept is what I need to do. My question is approximately how many unlit coals? How long will it take? On the kettle I mop every hour. Does this still apply? Would love to have a good smoke as I am having over a bunch of friends.
I made the transition from kettle to WSM too... you will love the handsoff approach of the WSM IMO.

Because of your kettle experience you will be fine. The main thing is to remember to shutdown the vents 20-30 degrees before your target temp.

Just a word to the wise... like Gene said, ambient temps will effect how many you need to start with. And with a brand new cooker, you will run a little hotter in my experience.
I usually start with 20 lit for my 22" WSM but as mentioned the colder it is outside the longer it will take the WSM to get to cooking temp. It will evidently get there but it will just take longer. If it is much below 60 outside I though a few more in to light. I am sure you heard this before but length of cook depends on multiple variables. Are you going to foil? What temp do you plan to run at? Are you going to mop or not? Not to mention it can vary depending on the actual cut of meat. Pork butts are like snow flakes. None are exactly alike and can verify on cooking length. I have had two butts on my WSM in the past and one cooked faster then the other. A good rule of thumb is 1.5 hours per pound at 225 degrees. Also every time you take the lid off to mop it extends your cooking time. Some say by as much as an hour. I am not sure it actually adds an hour but it will increase your cooking time.
Shut down bottom vents only? Leave top open, correct?

Top wide open, my bottom vents usually end up getting shut down about 75-90% depending on the outside temp.

Like was already stated, your WSM is probably going to run hot the first time, I know mine did. Don't worry too much about it, after a couple of cooks she gets nice and greased up and the temp is much easier to control. If you have the extra time, I'd start it much earlier than you need it and start closing your vents early to slowly let it get up to the temperature you're shooting for. I think my problem started out when I first got my WSM was I let the smoker get too hot too fast and it was hard to bring back to the temp I wanted. To get 225 on mine now I normally shut all the bottom vents to 50% a little before 200, and then when I get up to 215-220 I will shut them down even more and see where the needle stops.

As far as how much charcoal to start, I'd say I usually start about 1/3 of a Weber chimney's worth, not sure how many briquettes that actually is.
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I was going to do the minion method. I plan on starting bright and early. I got my kettle up to speed with the minion pretty easily. I hope this will work the same. I figure it has to be pretty close.

