First smoke on the WSM


E Sassak

TVWBB Member
I have been smoking with my OTG for some time and now it is time for me to break in my 10th anniversary gift. Going BoB for the first run. Got the meat on at midnight, the brisket is rocking it's crutch and the butts are 170 and slowly rising. Will post photos of the finished product.
The smoke went great! Eleven hours. Tender moist and smokey for both the pork and the beef. One interesting thing to note.

When smoking in my OTG I frequently used apple juice in the water pan. I figure it must impart some flavor. I did this with my WSM. Because the heat is below the pan the sugars cooked! Cleaning up I was left with a plastic like sheet of burnt sugar. Cleaning that up was a bear! I will seriously dilute with water next time!

I will post photos tomorrow, tired from a long successful day.
Get you a Mexican Terra Cotta plate, double foil the water pan AND the plate, and don't put anything in the pan and give it a try. I have NEVER used water in my pan and my meat has ALWAYS come out very moist and tender. It sure makes cleanup easier, and I only change the foil on the plate about every five (5) or so cooks. I change the foil on the water pan according to how much may have leaked down on it.

Water, in my opinion, compicates the management of temperature in the pit. Just the way I cook, and about as many would argue against me. Just saying, give it a try, NO WATER or JUICE, but do put the 14 inch plate (Available at most Home Depots) on top of the water pan. Foil them both and makes for quick and easy clean up.

Good luck.
George the water pan in the 22.5 WSM is a monster. A 14" terra cotta dish is too small to rest on the inside lip of the water pan. I did find a 16" (I think) pottery dish on sale at a pottery place, fits like a glove. I agree with all you said and never use water, juice, beer, wine or any other liquid in my pan. I do have the beer and wine available, for medicinal purposes, of course.

Thanks for the great advice. I am looking for my clay dish to try out a dry smoke. It is funny, I just bought Big Bob Gibson's BBQ Book and Chris Lilly is recommending a juice water blend. Now it is time for me to figure it out for myself. Sorry about not posting photos, I do not have an online account to link URL's.
I have returned to this post because I smoked a turkey today with an empty pan, no clay saucer and it worked out great.

I still plan on grabbing a saucer and trying it out, but it is nice to know that I do not NEED to. I will still use water in the pan for butts and brisket.
Originally posted by E Sassak:
I will still use water in the pan for butts and brisket.

Hi E, I smoked 5 butts (55lbs) last weekend in my 22.5 for 17 1/2 hours with just a foiled lined pan with a couple of foil wrapped fire bricks. The butts came out so moist and juicy. mmmmm...
I wouldn't waste your money by putting apple juice in the pan. Putting anything other than water in your pan doesn't put any extra flavor on your meat. If I were you, save the money and just use water. You won't notice a difference.
Agreed. I am done with the juice water mix. I also understand no water is necessary, but it is how I have been smoking pork buts for the past couple years albeit on my OTG. Still all the advice on this site is great. Lots of methods to try on your way to perfecting your own style! Thanks to all for your insight, it is appreciated.

