First Smoke - BRITU Ribs (sort of)


Matt Y

TVWBB Member
Yesterday I completed my first smoke on my new 22" WSM. Everything turned out great due to the great content and knowledge from this site! I used the BRITU rub/cooking method. The only part that went sideways on me was the higher temps during the 2nd half of the cook process. I think a combination of my 22" WSM needing more fuel and the fact that i left one lower vent closed (whoops!) contriubted to that. However, the ribs still passed the pull test at 5.5 hrs and they were amazing! here are some pics

Ribs with BRITU rub

Smoker rocking and rolling at 240(ish)

Ribs after 5.5 hrs (pre-sauce)

Girlfriend saucing the ribs

Look at that smoke ring!

The aftermath

(i hosted these pics on Google+, if anybody can't seem them let me know - i'll try to fix it)
Looks like dinner to me! Nice work.

