First Smoke a Success

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Steve G.

TVWBB Member
Well, I fired my WSM up for the first time yesterday. I cooked 6 bone-in chicken breasts. They were ready right at 2 hours and they turned out great! Very juicy and flavorful. I marinaded them in Italian dressing overnight and then put a dry rub on them right before cooking....very nice.

A couple of questions.

1. I used the standard method of coals and I could not get the temp to drop below 270* (measuring through the lid). I had all bottom vents closed and the top one open. I was fine with the temp, but if I need it lower for another cook, what do I do?

2. What is the fastest way to put out coals? I closed off all the vents to try to extinguish them, but it took until this morning before they were out.
1. One problem you had with getting the temp down is you had such a small quanity of meat to act as a heat sink. If you do the exact same cook again, use less fuel - maybe 3/4 and 3/4.

2 You are shutting down correctly. I normally don't do my clean-up, except the cooking grates, till the next day. Check to see that your access door doesn't have too much of a gap and is letting in air. Read Chris' section on adjusting the door

Sounds like your first cook went well.

Steve, my WSM ran hot for the first few cooks. After it had a nice buildup on it the temps ran lower. I have read several posts about this and it happens to some, but not all new cookers, go figure! So, there is another excuse, I mean reason, to keep it smoking!

The fewer coals burning the lower the pit temp.

It is not unusal for charcoal take that kind of time to go out. As you get stuff built up on the inside of the pit it will help starve air from the coals and they will go out a little sooner.
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