Hello - first, thanks to Bryan and all involved with HM. Awesome project! 
So I am running my first smoke with my unit, I am about 3 hours in. It started very stable for about 2 hours. Then it started to dip and overshoot a few times. HM detected/assumed the lid was open on several occasions. The last dip got down to ~200 degrees at which time I checked the coals and stoked them a bit to get the ash dust to fall through. So far it looks better but only time will tell. Is this pretty typical of other people's experiences? I have had to do that with conventional smokes as well, but usually not this early in the cooking time.
Also I was looking to start a thread dedicated to plots/screen shots of people's full cooks. I couldn't find one, does one exist? I think it would be useful to show typical experiences, trends, problem points, etc.

So I am running my first smoke with my unit, I am about 3 hours in. It started very stable for about 2 hours. Then it started to dip and overshoot a few times. HM detected/assumed the lid was open on several occasions. The last dip got down to ~200 degrees at which time I checked the coals and stoked them a bit to get the ash dust to fall through. So far it looks better but only time will tell. Is this pretty typical of other people's experiences? I have had to do that with conventional smokes as well, but usually not this early in the cooking time.
Also I was looking to start a thread dedicated to plots/screen shots of people's full cooks. I couldn't find one, does one exist? I think it would be useful to show typical experiences, trends, problem points, etc.