First Rib Smoke Question

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K Lynch

TVWBB Member
Just finished my first session smoking spare ribs and they turned out tender and moist after 7 hours in the WSM. My question relates to the appearance and texture of the ribs. And please understand I have no baseline what the finished appearance (color wise) of the rib should look like. On my first baste (3 hours)I was surprised the ribs already were very dark on the outside, almost burnt like to the rookie. I used one of Paul Kirk's rubs that was about 40/40 salt to sugar with some other seasonings thrown in.

I used a 1/4 cup rub per slab. I was surprised that the sugar burned so early and at such low temps (I stayed between 220-235 the entire cook). Is this simply the way ribs go? They were great to eat, but not much to look at- certainly not like the slab on the cover of the Smoke & Spice book.
I would guess the picture on the book cover is meant to be inviting to those unfamiliar with the process. I would also guess the dark color you experienced is not so much burnt sugar, but sugar on its way to carmelization mixed with other rub components, like paprika, that result in the dark appearance. Best question to ask is-- they didn't taste burnt, did they?

I never use sugar in my rub-- just my preference. I rely on the finishing sauce for sweetness if I desire it.
It varies. It could look like this , or sometimes like so . That's a butt in the middle-- no sugar in its rub-- and it's not burnt, either.
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