First Pork Butt success!


Chris Beck

New member
Just thought I'd pop in to say my first pork butt BBQ was a great success. I did some internet digging to find a nice recipie for N. Carolina style BBQ and found a nice one. Made up the rub and sauce on Saturday. Rubbed the butt (doesn't that sound nice???) on Saturday afternoon and let it sit in the fridge.

I don't have a WSM, but have the BBQBaffle for my kettle. I've done some ribs with it and it worked great, so I was anxious to try something else. Only issue was the length of most BBQ cooks. The Baffle works really well, but you have to feed it every hour or so, which makes for a sleepless night if you're doing an overnight cook. So, I happened to run across some 4 lb. pork butt roasts at my local grocer, well trimmed. That appeared to be the ticket!

Sunday, the in-laws were coming over, so I fired up the grill about 8 a.m. and put the butt on. Added soaked maple chips for smoke, probably 4 or 5 good handfulls during the cook. The temp stayed rock solid between 225F and 260F at the grate, adding 5 to 7 Royal Oak Chef's Select 100% Hardwood Briquettes (these are GREAT!!!) every hour to hour and a half.

By 4 pm, the temp was up about 180F in the butt, but it was time to eat. I'd have preferred it to be in the upper 180's from what I've read. Nevertheless, the roast was quite easy to pull and the rest was chopped. Very little fat and other unsavory bits had to be removed, and the bone just fell out.

The BBQ was met with rave reviews, and was vacuumed up by the in-laws (and myself) with record speed. I'll definitely be doing more of these, trying different rubs and/or sauces. I've been a rib nut for a long time, but pulled pork is something I've never really had. I must say it's delicious!

Many thanks to everyone on this great forum and website. It's really made it an easy time of getting started with slow cook BBQ!


