First pork butt cook.....

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Hi everyone.

Finally got to smoke my first pork butt this past week-end. A nicely marbled 6.25 lb bone-in beauty, slathered with French's yellow mustard and rubbed with an embellishment of McKenna's BBQ seasoning.

Fired the Bullet at 11/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gifm Friday eve using the Minion method and a combo of hickory and apple wood for smoke. Assembled the unit, the meat went on the rack right out of the fridge approx 11:30pm
and away we go.

With a mild AZ. late nite temp of 60*, the WSM found it's target of 240* lid temp which I monitored from midnight until around 1:30am.
Everything was running smoothly - so sleep time.
But the anticipation of the over-nite cook and it's eventual outcome brought BBQ dreams to my restless nap.

Up at 4:am to check the progress and all was well. Back to bed. At 6:am I added water, turned the butt over end for end and basted with apple juice. A Taylor digital probe was added as the butt registered a toasty 164* headin' towards plateau status.

Stormy weather crept in around mid-morning - wind and rain, thunder and lightning - it was great! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
We don't get much of that here in "The Valley of the Sun". I had the cooker on an oil pan and carefully pulled it under the patio. The temp hung in there at a high of 250*.

Approx 12 hours into the cook the butt was still only 171*. I had my working buddy and his wife coming over at 3/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gifm for early dinner so I still had a good time frame to work with.

It's now 1:30pm - internal temp slowly rising to 177*, come-on baby!!! By the time I showered and shaved (2:30ish) the temp was 191*, it had pushed the plateau limit. By 3/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gifm 197* was achieved and the butt came off.

It was a beautiful thing. Nice bark, the bone obviously loose inside and it smelled wonderful. The company arrived as the butt was resting, I thought they would like to see the pulling-o-the-pork.

It fell apart just as I have read in other posts in this forum. A beautiful redish smoke-ring amid the dark chewy bark. Moist and delicious, they all raved.

Hope this wasn't to long. Also just a note, I didn't really have any problems to report. I've cooked about six times on this Bullet and never had a situation that I couldn't handle.
I've learned alot about doin' up some good que from many of you here, Chris, Stogie, Jim M.,
Thanks again for all you tips and suggestions.
Sounds like a perfect cook, Mike, and you told it well. Thanks, for sharing!
Mike congrats, I hope you can hold up to all the pressure. You know that now you have wowed the friends everyone will want your butt's. I think you can handle it. Good times scoots
Ray and Scooter, thanks for the kind acknowledgment. I'm smokin' up three racks of BB's this Sunday. All three will be differently seasoned. I'll post the results when complete.
Thanks again.
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