First Picnic


Craig Cole

Tomorrow, I'm smoking a Butt (9lbs) and a Picnic (10lbs). Since Ive never done a picnic, I was wondering do I take the skin off or do I leave it on? I usually do a Mustard Slather and a rub, so I'll stick to that game plan for the picnic.

There seems to be more bone in it than a butt, so does this pose a problem when pulling it, or does it all pull off the bone?

Thanks for ay info to help me out.
Like most things in life, there are at least two schools of thought when it comes to skinning a picnic.

Because I'm generally lazy, I'm in the camp of leaving the skin on. When the meat is done, the skin and underlying fat will slide right off.

If I'm feeling a little less lazy than normal, I'll use a boning knife to make a pocket between the meat and the skin and work some rub down into that pocket.

Other than that, I treat a picnic pretty much the same as a butt.


I actually cut the skin off, lay some rub down, and then cook it down in a drip pan along with the meat. The nice thing is, you can use the flavored grease as a baste. Yea, the doctor will say it's bad for you cholesterol numbers.... I say invite him to your next cook and let him get a taste.

