First overnight butt, ribs. Fuel question



New member

I'm new to the site and new to my 18.5 smokey mountain. First smoke was last week...made Jerk chicken marinated in a lot of Walkerswood and smoked with Pimento. Turned out awesome. Tonight I'll be smoking my first pork butt, and adding 2 slabs of spare ribs in the morning. My question is about fuel and wood. Will I need to add fuel in the morning when I put the ribs on? And can I add a little more wood in the morning for the ribs? Just want to make sure I don't oversmoke the butt. Thank you for any comments or suggestions.

You might have to add fuel and you might not. It will all depend on the conditions you are grilling in. More wind=fuel burns through faster and also the outside temp. A new WSM tends to burn more fuel than a well seasoned one.

As far as adding more smoke wood in the morning for the ribs you can either play it safe by wrapping the butt prior to adding the wood for the ribs. Or you can just put the wood on. Once the meat reaches a certain temperature it doesn't absorb the smoke as much as it does when its cool. Either way you should be good to go. Good LUCK!
It's very hard to over smoke pork butt since the smoke just sits on the outside and doesn't get absorbed by the meat. Since the ratio of outside(bark) is very low to inside meat the smoke flavour is balanced out when you break up and mix in the bark when you pull it. Temperature has nothing to do with the amount smoke flavour on meat.
What they really won't oversmoke a pork butt. Check your butt internal temp when you get up, wrap in foil if you're going to, and check your fuel. My guess is you'll have to add some more fuel to cook your ribs all the way.

