First overnight brisket got a little hot


Scott P.

TVWBB Super Fan
I started my first overnight cook of a brisket Saturday night. The meat went on around 11:00 pm. By 12:30 it had settled in at 233. I woke up at 4:30 am to find it at 275. I fully closed all the vents. An hour later, it had come down to 244. An hour later, it was still 245.

At 7:00 am I flip the brisket. The temps have climbed back to 220. I used the Minion Method with a 50/50 blend of new Kingsford Mesquite and regular briquettes. There were a few chunks of Mesquite added as well. The water pan was filled with cool water. Outside temps wer in the high 70's.

How will this affect my cooking time and were the high temps a problem?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> How will this affect my cooking time </div></BLOCKQUOTE>Probably minimally; it would depend on how long the temps were that high. <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">and were the high temps a problem? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>No, not unless your target internal was surpassed. What is the internal temp of the brisket now, or the last time you checked?
Yes i had the same problem using the new kingsford briquets. had a hard time keeping temp down. followed the midnight briskit cook instructions from Chris but could not use his vent settings 50% because temp kept climbing over 250. I tryed adding a little cold water to the pan and various vent setings no luck,finally i just closed all 3 vents and my temp has stayed in the 235 range for 3 hours now. we'll see how long until i have to open the vents.


BTW: First time using the new kingsford briquets
Scott, If the temp was not that high for a long time, it won't have a negative effect. I hit that when I added some coals to my brisket cook over-nighter and as long as you get it back within an hour or so, it should be okay. That was my experience. However, from what advise all the great people of this site have provided, I think those that say a whole lot of how a brisket turns out has to do with the specific cut of meat you purchase,,,is exactly correct.
I'm guessing it was at 270 for a couple of hours. I got the temps in the 220 range for the majority of the cook. I pulled the prisket off at 13 hours and it was nicely done.

