First LOOOOOONG overnighter without water


Paul H

TVWBB Gold Member
Started about 20 coals in the chimney around 4:20 by 5PM the meat was on. LId temp around 220. Put the temp probe from my E73 on the lower grate. Temps settled in rather quickly and only had to tweek the vents a couple of times. Went to bed the grate was reading220. Woke up and the grate was down to 180. Meatwas at 170. Stirred coals and added some unlit. Within about 45 minutes to and hour temps were up to 230 and holding. I started out with hickory chunks and added some oak in the middle of the cook and towards the end added apple. The smaller butt finishedin 19 hours and the bigger ones were off the WSM in 21. My longest cook to date. Overall, Would do waterless again. Minor problems like bottom grate sticking to the foil over the pan. Temp control was manageable. Also cooked some fatties at the end which turned out FABULOUS!!!

I find that the more meat I have the less water I use. I don't know if it makes sense or not, but it seems to work.

Mostly I add water to bring temps down if there is a spike of some sort.

Because I use so little water with lump, and often times it runs out, my water pan is a mess.

I let it soak in the sun and some of it actaully scrapes out. Still looks like hell though.

Brian, I just foiled over the pan. I even thought about inverting the pan or no pan at all. I tried foiling the pan on a short cook to see and it worked fine. Personally, I don't care for pork butt BUT I even liked this stuff. The bark was real good. Heck, my daughter and I were even fighting for the stuff still stuck to the grate.

