First HH Butt Tomorrow


Michael M.

So I'm going to try a high heat butt tomorrow and have seen a couple of different methods.

One suggests (in addition to the usual rub etc...) injecting the butt for increased moisture and starting with the butt in a disposable aluminum pan for the first few hours (till it reaches about 160) and then foiling the pan and letting it finish.

A second method does not require the injection, has the butt straight on the grill for the first portion of the session and, when it reaches 160 or so, is then wrapped in heavy foil to complete.

Both are similar enough. Will doing the session in the aluminium pan from start to end decrease the smoke exposure? Or will it also be a good way for it to baste itself from the very start.

I've done em both ways but usually the latter. The first (kick *** HH butt?)will get your meat done in 5 hrs and its a good method when you're short on time.
I like to milk the time in the smoke, so mine usually take about 1 - 1 1/4 hrs per pound.
Here is one I did a while back

Any questions just ask

Edit to answer your questions..
If you follow the former, the pan will not hinder the exposure ime, but you should lay on more smokewood than normal for that 3 hrs before foil.
Basting? Hmm not really. It's more of a braise. It will sit in allot of liquid if you inject than add the brew. And then after the foil you usually end up with 2 cups of liquid. Defatt that in a gravy seperator, and add a little as your pulling.

Thanks Tim! Great input and suggestions. I was thinking of the additional wood if using the pan as well. And yes, my baste comment was really meant to mean braise. I'll be sure to take a look through your link and see where things land tomorrow!

Your welcome Michael.
One thing that I would like to add. The carryover heat on a HH butt if you rest and foil like the KA way for 2 hrs is overkill.
Cook till tender, then rest on a counter for maybe a half hour, pull than serve.
If you need to hold longer, than pull, and add a little more liquid. Foil, and hold in a warm oven till supper.

I recommend rub meat, cook till tender, tent for a bit and then pull. Add de-fatted juices plus your favorite BBQ sauce and enjoy!!!!!!
Underway right now! I went with the injected method and some extra smoke wood and the WSM cruised up and beyond 275 with no issues using RO briquettes for fuel since my experience has been that they burn hot and long. Should be a successful session and I'll make some coleslaw this afternoon to add to the meal.

It's my own rub along with some cherry and hickory wood are in the mix and I'm looking for it to be done around 3:30 so that it will be rested and ready to eat while watching highlights of the Raiders win over the Jets today. ;-)


