First Guru Cook


Brian H.

TVWBB Member
My first cook with the Guru turned out great. Put my Packer on at 8:30 last night, used wicked good lump with the MM method, set the guru on ramp mode at 220 pit. Stayed at 220 until about 10 am then the pit lowered to 212 (I had the meat set at 180 based on advice from another post). Let it sit like that until 1:30. Then I foiled, added juice, set to meat mode at 225 and let it go until 4:30. Pulled at 189 degrees and wrapped it in a towel and ut it into the cooler until 7:15. Here is a picture of the flat right after I sliced it (No fluids were added to the picture). I was very happy with how juicy it was compared to my rather dry brisket last weekend.

Thanks for everyone's advice in making my Q better and better.

I think I have enough wicked good from this burn to do my spares on Monday - impressive.

Not quite Kevin's presentation.


