First Fatty



TVWBB Gold Member
I did my first fatty today (sorry no pics, we got to hungry). I lightly sauteed some peppers and onions and added a little southwest cheese blend and used JD hot sausage. I need to work on the forming but overall it went well. I do want some input regarding the amount of coal I used. It was 47 degrees out when I started. i used 3/4 of a chimney of unlit KBB with 30 lit on top. I used my new DX2 for the first time set for a pit temp of 225 and it worked great. About 2 hours into the cook the temp started to dip to around 215 so I stirred the coals and the temp came back up to around 230. When the fatty was done the pit temp was 219. After I pulled the meat off and let the cooker cool I found a little less that half the coals let unburned. For my next cook of thus type I'm thinking using 1//2 a chimney of unlit and keeping the lit amount the same? does that sound like the right step to take?
A fatty is a pretty short and simple cook, but why risk running out of coal. I always use way more unlit than necessary, shut all the vents at the end of the cook, and re-use the unburned coal next time.
I have never cooked a fatty but I would probably do the same thing I do for my shorter cooks like chicken and brats. I do a 3/4 full chimney of lit charcoal and just use the vents. I did a cook last weekend in 40 degrees and breezy and I got it to 215 for my desired temp and it settled in and stayed there until I closed all the vents after an hour and a half.

