First ever competition....Our presentation boxes

Chris, as a non judge, those all look like winners to me! The brisket looks great as does the chicken! It might be worth while for some of the judges in the forum to step in and critique the boxes for you, to give you an idea what they look for when judging an entry. Like I said, they look awesome to me!
Good luck at your future comps!

final scores are now was run to KCBS rules

We (I) got a 6th place for my brisket - SO close to a call
we got 6th for our chicken too
and 8th for our ribs
a slightly disappointing 14th for pulled pork

we also did a burger round (14th) - hot wings (15th)
oh and here's the winning dish...'Chefs Choice' round - anything goes...

Considering it was our first ever comp - we were WELL pleased
Overall we came NINTH out of 24 teams - beating many well established teams

Got to meet DrBBQ and DrSweetsmoke a few times too - great guys really friendly

We'll definitely be doing it all again soon

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