First Ever & Best Ever

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Frank S.

TVWBB Member
I did my first rib smoke yesterday following the BRITU recepie. The only deviation I made was using 100% Applewood (don't have oak). I made 3 slabs (baby backs) for four people, and it cooked in about 4.5 hrs at 230 - 240 deg. Two of the racks were a little over 2 lbs, the other was 1.75.

The final product was unbelievable. Everyone felt the same way. A nice reddish color, tender, and the meat came completely off the bone when biting into them. The flavor was awesome. It was hard to stop eating, even after stuffing ourselves. I have about 4 ribs left (still in one piece) that I'll be putting down this afternoon for a snack.

My only real comment is that the slab on the bottom grate (I did not cut them or put in a rib rack), was a tiny bit tougher than the 2 on the top.. but still incredible. Maybe next time I will stand them on-end and try to get 3 racks on the top grate.

I am still amazed at how easy this was to make... I even went out and played 9 holes during the cook!

I would like to personally thank the guys that put this site and those recepies on the internet for everyone to reference. I consider it an invaluable public service, and there should be a form of national recognition for you.

Congrats on your success! The WSM is as good as they say, ain't it? /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif

Probably the reason the slab on the bottom was a little tougher is bacause the bottom grate was running a little cooler. When using both grates for the same type of meat, I try to swap grates once during the cook. Seems to help everything come out the same.

Frank, Congratulation on your first smoke. The WSM is Great isn't it. I'll only get better trust me. Just fired mine up I'm doing Hot Dogs for lunch and a Perdue Ovenstuffer Roaster For Dinner.
Happy Smoking /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif
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