first cook


Bruce Rich

New member
Just got my wsm this week. trying 3 racks of ribs (top) and chicken thighs bottom. Temp seems easy to keep at 225 so far. strong east wind.
Where ya taking that temp?

Boy, they sure do hold the temp, though. After being used to tweaking my Brinkmann SnP Pro all the time, for so many years, it was darn near eerie the way there was nothing for me to do on that first cook.

Good smoking!
Jim I could not agree more....I went from a New Braunfals offset which need constant tweaking, and had a hard time believing that the temp stability was so good..I doubted my thermometers the first couple times..
I must say I'm really impressed after my first cook. Ribs were very good though I feel I rushed them a bit. The skin on the thighs could have been a little crisper but I guess temp would have to be higher. I started using the standard method and added about a dozen brickets at the 2 hr. mark as I was having a hard time keeping temp up to 225. All in all I learned a bit about my new toy and can't wait to cook again. Yeah, I'm hooked!
Sounds very good for the first time Bruce.

I see no reason not to use the minion method for short smokes too. I did BBs Saturday and the fire was going a total of about 6 hours before I closed all the vents to snuff it out.

There is about half a ring full of charcoal left -- with some of my cherry now turned to charcoal itself. Next smoke, I'm gonna fill er up right over the top of that.

Keep us posted on your progress.
I use the minion method for almost all cooks in the wsm. My fuel of choice is lump and reuse it all the time.

If you reuse charcoal, you might want to stir it up a bit to remove the ash build up before starting a new cook.
I will try the minion next, I hope I'm not in the wrong place with this post, I have since seen the wsm forum. I'm a newbie

