First cook, pork butt



TVWBB Super Fan
Hey All -

It's my first time cooking and I'm following Mr. Brown's Pork Butt recipe from the cooking topics section. I've got 2 8-10 pound picnics that I trimmed(they were around 10-11 pounds before). I did the rub yesterday afternoon, since according to UPS my cooker was suppose to show up then. However, it seems he couldn't figure out how to get to our house so it's coming today!

According to the recipe it has you apply the rub 8-12 hours prior, but I can't imagine an extra 12 hours is going to hurt. I'm planning on starting around 7-8 tonight and doing it over night. That'd put the first rub being applied for about 28 hours.

I couldn't find any oak chunks so I currently have hickory, apple, and cherry. I was thinking of doing 3 chunks of apple and 1 of hickory does that sound good? Is it too little/too much?

I've ready over the other first time pork butt posts here, so I have a decent idea of what I'm in for, but any other suggestions?

Sounds like you're ready for some tasty pork. Apple and hickory sound fine. Keep a journal of how things go, or at least take some pictures. And don't forget to post the results. Have fun and welcome!
I guess I won't be too far behind you in a butt cooking. Wife has informed me that she wants some of that eastern N.C. vinegar stuff she developed a taste for when we lived there. Not my favorite, but one has to keep the girls happy.....................d
And we're smoking!

Here we are before, twice rubbed:

Here it is on the grill. Was smoking out the side at first but now is only via the top:

I'm registering just at 225 now, pretty stable, quite happy so far!

Well ya gotta drink while you do this, right?

Just got up. Didn't have to touch the smoker all night. It settled in at 244-247 while I was up last night. I had my alarms for below 200 and above 275, never went off. Woke up and it was about 205, gave the coals a quick stir and we're at 234 now. The meat is at 167.

About time to baste. Speaking of, I see the recipe suggests you use a string mop, which I don't have. Is there any reason I can't spray on the mop?

Bit puzzling, I flipped the meat over when I basted the first time. The smoker is at 234, yet i've lost ~4 degrees on the meat, its reading 166. Maybe some of the juices from the flip caused the decrease?

Well ya gotta drink while you do this, right?

Just got up. Didn't have to touch the smoker all night. It settled in at 244-247 while I was up last night. I had my alarms for below 200 and above 275, never went off. Woke up and it was about 205, gave the coals a quick stir and we're at 234 now. The meat is at 167.

About time to baste. Speaking of, I see the recipe suggests you use a string mop, which I don't have. Is there any reason I can't spray on the mop?

**** right you do, Im about to start here shortly.:o

