Hey All -
It's my first time cooking and I'm following Mr. Brown's Pork Butt recipe from the cooking topics section. I've got 2 8-10 pound picnics that I trimmed(they were around 10-11 pounds before). I did the rub yesterday afternoon, since according to UPS my cooker was suppose to show up then. However, it seems he couldn't figure out how to get to our house so it's coming today!
According to the recipe it has you apply the rub 8-12 hours prior, but I can't imagine an extra 12 hours is going to hurt. I'm planning on starting around 7-8 tonight and doing it over night. That'd put the first rub being applied for about 28 hours.
I couldn't find any oak chunks so I currently have hickory, apple, and cherry. I was thinking of doing 3 chunks of apple and 1 of hickory does that sound good? Is it too little/too much?
I've ready over the other first time pork butt posts here, so I have a decent idea of what I'm in for, but any other suggestions?
It's my first time cooking and I'm following Mr. Brown's Pork Butt recipe from the cooking topics section. I've got 2 8-10 pound picnics that I trimmed(they were around 10-11 pounds before). I did the rub yesterday afternoon, since according to UPS my cooker was suppose to show up then. However, it seems he couldn't figure out how to get to our house so it's coming today!
According to the recipe it has you apply the rub 8-12 hours prior, but I can't imagine an extra 12 hours is going to hurt. I'm planning on starting around 7-8 tonight and doing it over night. That'd put the first rub being applied for about 28 hours.
I couldn't find any oak chunks so I currently have hickory, apple, and cherry. I was thinking of doing 3 chunks of apple and 1 of hickory does that sound good? Is it too little/too much?
I've ready over the other first time pork butt posts here, so I have a decent idea of what I'm in for, but any other suggestions?