First Cook Completed


Corey S

Hey All, Had my first cook with my new WSM, yesterday, I was very pleased with its ability to hold consistant temps.
I am sold on the "waterless foiled pan & clay saucer method"
I never tried water in this thing, and after great success with the afore mentioned method, I doubt that I ever will use water.
(Thanks go to all here that pioneered this method, and suggested its use !)

photos of first cook and my Weber lineup are here:

Hopefully I posted the photobucket link correctly?
Food looks great! Love the little R2D2/chimney holder hidden behind the WSM, moved up from the same myself.
Yes, the old R2D2 chimney holder (AKA: ECB, sure glad I did not pay for that thing!) I inherited it, as it was abondened in our garage by my woman's ex husband.
Once upon a time, I tried to smoke somethimg with it, and realized what a pointless, useless for its intended purpose, contraption that it was. I started doing some research to see how it could be improved to maybe actually work !...
That is what led me to find TVBB... So even though in my opinion, it is as useless as "teats on a boar hog", as a smoker, it did serve the purpose of leading me here in pursuit of a better way!...
Here, I found out there were ways to smoke with a Weber Kettle, and I successfully did that for two years. (all the while desiring a WSM)
Since I hate to throw anything away that might be useful, somehow, someday, I kept the darn thing. Now it serves a useful life in a support role to my collection of Webers'. It makes a great Chimney lighting Station, and the water pan makes a superior ash catcher, to the aluminum original that came with my 1990 Bar-B-Kettle !.... So life goes on for this little R2D2. I still have not found a use for its other pieces, so I may toss them soon, as I tend to collect way to much stuff, that I "may use someday"
Well done Corey. I haven't used water in my WSM either. The clay saucer holds temps extremely well and the mess takes 2 minutes to clean up.

