first buttt tonight


Daryl w

TVWBB Member
Well have been smokin stuff for last couple months but havnt done a butt.
Tonight is it.
start smoker using minon method around 8 my smiker flies up to 350 400 after puring out a full weber chimny of royal oak.
adding butt around 6lbs trimmed and water should lower to around 275 close all vents except lid throw in a couple handfulls hickory chips and go away.
sound about right?
since i only have one butt I think I like it on the top grate of the WSM basically so I can baste it easier.
Any thoughts on the rack??
Daryl, After adding the lit coals for the MM just assemble the cooker and add the butt. You want to start closing down the vets when the WSM hits 200. Much easier to control the temp on the way up then trying to bring it down. Top rack
well its slathered and on about 1hr.
smoker hovering at 230 with all vents closed except top where thermometer is.
I think i will leave it there as it will probably climb itself i will see.
threw in a handfull of soaked hicker chips and handfull cherry when i put meat on still smoke comming out so everything on track time for a pint and a round of counter strike.

happy bbqing
well im 16hrs in and internal temp is 170.
Shooting for 195 not sure how long but hopefully be ready for supper time.

I woke at 6am to check coals must of left vents to closed lid temp was at 180, although not many coals left.
give er a stir and quickly rose to 195.
so a full ring burned about 10 hours at 230 to 250 for me not bad i guess.
I lit a chimney full of charcoal .
7am carefully took mid section off cooker added
coals, water, re assembled and closed all vents except lid.
Temp rose to 300 but steadily droped to 250ish.

Gonna start the beens and scallop taters and look for a sauce.

NE recommendations for sauce??
The mustard one sounds good.
Been a blast but may have to get a guru although except for the 180 dip i really didnt have to many fluctuations should be a tasty slab.

