First butt on the WSM

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The WSM cooked great today using the Minion method. My WSM arrived new on Friday from Amazon. As many noted, it cooked hot being new. I ran 260-275 at the top vent almost all day using a digital Tru-Temp guage. I had the vents closed completely for the majority of the day. I didn't beging closing them this morning until I had gotten to 250, and read later that I should have cut them back at 200. I probably got the fire too hot and lived with that for a long portion of the day.

The butt was 7 pounds and I put it on at 7:00AM and it came off at 5:00 at 191. It rested for 1:20 and then I pulled it to the delight of those that ate it tonight. I made up a rub and rubbed it down Saturday afternoon and added a little apple cider vinegar to it before sealing it up in a ziplock to soak overnight. I stirred the coals and turned the meat once at 2:00. I had about 1/4 of a ring of coals left and I opened the vents to let them burn off at the conclusion of my cook. I also put some jalepeno sausage on there to add some more smoke to it but haven't tried it yet. The butt was great and it was good for me to get some good pork bbq, which can be hard to find in the heavily brisket laden State of Texas.

I am very impressed by the WSM. I've used other cheaper water smokers as well as offset smokers and have never had such consistent temperatures (albeit a little higher than I wanted...hopefully that will resolve itself) and such little fuel burn. It seems I would have to add several times to my water smoker and about every hour to hour and a half to the offset. I am getting more leakage around the door than I would like and I stuffed some foil in the opening today to temporarily fix it. I will try to rebend the door to better conform to the shape of the WSM.
Sounds like you had a great cook the temp will get better after a few smokes when the inside is not so smooth from being new

