first butt / brisket ?

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Todd R.

TVWBB Super Fan
I am having some friends over for dinner next Saturday and am going to do my first butt/brisket combo. Our local QFC has 6 to 7 LB. bone-in butts. I was going to do 2 butts with a brisket.
If I understand, after coming off the smoker, the butts should sit for up to 2 hours before pulling? Does that mean for dinnertime feasting I am looking at a 3 or 4 AM start up time?
As always, your advice, wisdom, and criticism are eagerly anticipated /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
There shouldn't be any problem pulling them sooner. My last one I took up to 205*, let it rest about 20 minutes, and then had at it with two carving forks (still pretty darned hot, you know). Took a sample to a native South Carolinian co-worker, who said it was some of the best she ever tasted. I think those who say they rest them for a couple hours are just saying you won't suffer any for having done so.

Need to read this.
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