Colin Battersby
New member
Hey guys - I've been lurking for a while and have learned quite a bit here. I got a WSM 22.5 in March and have since done multiple runs of baby backs, pork butts and beef short ribs. I've been pretty pleased with how most have come out - had some dryness issues with the first set of ribs and first pork butt, but I seem to have fixed that. I'm trying my first brisket this weekend. My question is about what kind of meat I actually bought. I had read to avoid flats, so I skipped over those and bought what is called only a "beef brisket" from Costco in cryovac. I assumed this was a whole brisket, but it is only 5.25 pounds. The things I've been reading lately seem to indicate that a whole brisket would be 2-3 times that large. Does that mean I bought just a piece of brisket, or is it possible to get a full one at that size? And if it is just a part of a brisket, does it change the way I cook and/or prepare it after cooking? Thanks for your help!